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Working Group Status for May 2023
Home / News Working Group Status for May 2023
Working Group Status for May 2023
Working Group Status for May 2023
MIH Consortium
Published On 2023-05-26
Views 2065

Progress update of the MIH Working Groups in May are as below:

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【Smart Cabin】

MIH held the 20th meeting of the Smart Cabin Working Group on May 25, and added functional safety warning items with reference to member feedback. Appropriate warnings are provided. The purpose of such project is to ensure that the smart cockpit can quickly and correctly perform corresponding operations at critical moments, thereby improving the safety of drivers and passengers.  Also, the Smart Cabin Working Group is defining Lighting API for interior lighting and Mirror API for side view mirror, and use Lighting API to adjust map light, ambient light, and welcome light. Mirror API adjusts the rearview mirror and e-mirror. Another progress is adding UN R46 regulation information as the design reference. The working group will also review and discuss revisions to other APIs under development.     

【Security & OTA】

This month, the Security & OTA Working Group and Web3 Sub Group has completed testing of the Quorum consortium blockchain technology and initiated the discussion process for the DID (Decentralized Identifier) identity recognition technology framework.     


The Powertrain Working Group monthly meeting on 5/22 discussed: 
  1. Reference design development-3.5t light duty truck 2 speed e-beam axle development 
  • The e-beam is designing with modular and compact type, more suitable for different space of chassis. 
  • Discussion with potential suppliers on the gear shaft mechanism and actuation logic design of two-speed shifting. 
  • Confirming the vehicle driving load cycle matrix for gear durability simulation 
       2. Design standardization 
  • Standardization of powertrain platform, such as motor control system, battery voltage , gear ratio, power cables and wire harness connectors, water cooling joints and pipes. 

Testing & Certification】

The Test and Certification Working Group held its 22nd meeting on the 10th of this month. During the meeting, Keysight was invited to share the testing and inspection standards for automotive radar. Keysight has a well-established reputation in the field of testing and verification, and this sharing session allowed the members of the working group to gain a deeper understanding of radar technology, an essential component of ADAS. It has played a role in advancing the preparation for the future ADAS White Paper. In addition, To assist members in adapting to regulations and market trends regarding net-zero carbon emissions, we've initiated the carbon auditing and verification process for four partner companies, using the carbon management framework developed by Net-Zero Sub Group. For this, we plan to complete the first phase of our POC project by the end of August.    


Based on the global communication solution planned by the team, The Connectivity Working group has completed the development of the engineering prototype for the automotive user terminal T.SpaceRouter® this month, which utilizes low-earth-orbit satellite communication, and have also initiated the preliminary feasibility evaluation for this technical solution.   
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