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Working Group Status for June 2023
Home / News Working Group Status for June 2023
Working Group Status for June 2023
Working Group Status for June 2023
MIH Consortium
Published On 2023-06-28
Views 2557

Progress update of the MIH Working Groups in June are as below:

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【Powertrain WG】

Powertrain WG monthly meeting on 6/20 discussed: 1. The 2-speed e-beam axle will produce demo sample and deliver to Japan for mobility show, from 10/25 to 11/5. If members (or non-members) are interested in participating in the event, please contact Ellen.cheng@mih-ev.org.   2. Project X status update: Benchmarking for products, including vehicle functions, operation, maintenance costs and product commercial benefits to enhance product competitiveness.   3. The 2-speed e-beam axle status update:
  • The energy efficiency value of the e-beam, HIM needs to reconfirmed with the designer, results will be presented at the next meeting.
  • The demo sample is in progress according to the schedule. The Critical parts such as gears, shifting mechanisms and gearbox housings.
  • Detail design for the synchronous ring of the shift synchronizer and define the specification of shift position sensor.
  4. Design standardization
  • Breakdown all of EDU system parts of Project X, and list all items that need to be standardized for the 40kW, 60kW and 80kW, that would helpful for modular design.


The EEA Working Group collaborates with members to develop a smart gateway. This partnership aims to create an advanced solution for data transmission and functions integration of electrical/electronic architecture in  vehicles. The smart gateway will enable features like data collection, vehicle diagnostics, remote control capabilities, and enhanced security. The collaboration brings together expertise in software development, circuit design, and communication protocols. The MIH EEA Working Group will focus on delivering groundbreaking solutions to customers.  

Testing & Certification WG】

The Testing and Certification Working Group convened its 24th meeting at the beginning of this month. During the meeting, the Institute For Information Industry (III) was invited to share their software experience in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). III has extensive expertise in ADAS and has made significant contributions in the field of intelligent vehicle perception. This sharing session provided the working group members with a better understanding of ADAS software and related perception technologies, which will contribute to the preparation of the future ADAS white paper.   
  • Net-Zero Sub Group

To assist members in adapting to regulations and market trends regarding net-zero carbon emissions, we've initiated the carbon auditing and verification process for four partner companies, using the carbon management framework developed by Net-Zero Sub Group. We plan to complete the first phase of our POC project by the end of August. If any members need assistance with carbon auditing or management, or if there are partners with professional certification abilities who are interested in joining this project, please contact the project window at shock.tung@mih-ev.org. 


【Security & OTA WG】

  • Web3 in EV Sub Group 

This month, in conjunction with the team members, we are conducting architecture research on the application of DID (Decentralized Identity) technology in scenarios connecting vehicles and mobile devices, as well as demonstrating use cases of driving behavior analysis data applied to the financial insurance industry. 


Connectivity WG】

This month, along with the team, we are conducting research on technical solutions for usage scenarios using the engineering prototype of the T.SpaceRouter® (Automotive User Terminal), a car-borne low-orbit satellite communication user terminal we have developed.     
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