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MIH February 2024 Newsletter
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MIH February 2024 Newsletter
MIH February 2024 Newsletter
MIH Consortium
Published On 2024-02-23
Views 1726

Last month, MIH consortium initiated a survey for members, and we'd like to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who took the time to provide their precious insights. As part of our commitment to enhancing member services, we're kicking off improvements with a redesign of the MIH Members' Monthly Newsletter beginning in February.


First, we've launched a new 'TechFrontiers by MIH' column, and our Security & OTA Working Group has contributed an insightful piece. It features 'Defending Your Business from Cyberattacks with Zero Trust,' discussing the application of the Zero Trust model to protect EVs against complex cyberattacks.


Additionally, we've unveiled 'Industry Trends,' a new column updating members on the latest in EVs, Artificial Intelligence, and International Policies & Business Trends. We're planning more content and opportunities for member contributions. Stay tuned!

👉 Leave your comments and suggestions on the MIH Monthly Newsletter and MIH Consortium


官網-電子報圖檔.png[TechFrontiers by MIH] Defending Your Business from Cyberattacks with Zero Trust: A Comprehensive Approach Against Cyberattacks

As EV technology advances and the use of connected car applications becomes more common, cybersecurity for vehicles has emerged as a crucial issue. The MIH Security & OTA Working Group has undertaken a study on automotive cybersecurity technologies and is now sharing their insights with members!


The article focuses on the Zero Trust approach, highlighting its benefits over traditional methods, including better threat detection and response, compliance with standards like UN R155, and helping members quickly grasp evolving vehicle cybersecurity trends. 


👉Check out the article!


EV NEWS官網.png[Industry Trends] MIH selects must-read articles from 3 major areas: EVs, AI, and International Policies and Business Trends, helping members stay ahead of the latest trends.

  • Electric Vehicles: An overview of automotive chip development and the future outlook for China's electric vehicles over the next decade.

👉Biden's Lofty EV Requirements Might not Survive the Election Year

👉EV Trends for 2024: What to Expect from the Electric Vehicle Market


  • Artificial Intelligence: Following ChatGPT, OpenAI introduces the latest Sora AI model, capable of creating high-quality videos up to 1 minute long from just text input.

👉Explore Sora OpenAI: New-Gen Text-to-Video Tool 

👉The Leading Generative AI Companies


  • International Policies & Business Trends: TSMC's Kumamoto facility opens, announcing a second plant, poised to significantly impact Japan's automotive industry.

👉Chip Giant TSMC Shifts Away from Hot Spot Taiwan with Japan Plant

👉Toyota to Invest in TSMC for 2nd Kumamoto Chip Plant



surveycake 歡迎圖.jpg[Member Survey] Tell us your feedback!

The EV industry is filled with potential and challenges. At MIH Consortium, understanding your needs is our priority. What challenges do you face? How do you see our alliance? We've crafted a brief survey to better grasp your needs, aiming to improve our services based on your insights.


We strongly encourage your participation.😊 Your input is important. Please take a moment to fill out the survey and shape the future of our industry.


👉Fill out the survey today!

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