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Wistron Corporation-MIH Member Featuring
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Wistron Corporation-MIH Member Featuring
Wistron Corporation-MIH Member Featuring
MIH Consortium
Published On 2022-03-30
Views 1798
Wistron Corporation's active investment into the field of smart transportation in recent years has centered around the integrated application of vehicle-to-everything (V2X), 5G communications technology, functional safety, and smart manufacturing in the 2 major fields of infotainment and telematics. While promoting their development projects and expanding global markets, the company is deepening industry collaboration between government, academia, and industry through the joint establishment of an "Embedded Artificial Intelligence Research Center (e-AI RD Center) with National Chiao Tung University in 2020; the partnership aims to cultivate key talent in AI and build an innovative partnership model for training. In 2021, Wistron joined the MIH Alliance's OTA & Cybersecurity Working Group to participate in the joint research of cybersecurity-related issues so that the company's growing automotive electronics team has the opportunity to learn from industry leaders. As a key member of the Security & OTA working group, Wistron also strives to define both security and attack prevention for total vehicle management and OTA connection standards. Participation and collaboration with the MIH Alliance and working groups are expected to facilitate closer interaction with the automotive electronics ecosystem to the benefit of multiple parties; hopefully, integration with the alliance will allow these joint efforts to propel Taiwan's electronics industry to excel in the world stage.    Development of Wistron Corporation's "5G C-V2X T-Box" includes the latest 5G communications technology, vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X), automotive ethernet/CAN, Wi-F-/Bluetooth, and other functionality to provide high hardware stability, high precision map positioning, comprehensive BPS development capabilities, and added value in OTA functionality that encompasses the entire vehicle. This provides customers with comprehensive cloud services that satisfy Internet-of-Vehicles (IoV) applications in various scenarios and is a communication platform that meets the multifunction specifications of next-gen vehicles; T-Box is a key gateway responsible for managing vehicle communications and as such, participation in MIH's Security & OTA Working Group aims to matchmake Taiwan's cybersecurity companies with suppliers so they can collaborate and take on the major responsibility of data security in communication gateways. After several months of hard work, project implementation plans will integrate T-Box with data security management, detection, and protection capabilities so that future vehicles requiring internet connections will be equipped with data security protections; aside from establishing data security standards for next gen vehicles, this will also help establish an era of self-driving that is much safer.    Wistron Corporation has also achieved exceptional results in the application and verification of IoV communication technologies. At the October 2021 "2021 C-V2X "4 Crosses" (Shanghai - Suzhou - Wuxi) Practical Pilot Application Event" organized by the China Society of Automotive Engineers, Wistron's automotive electronics team integrated capabilities from subsidiary InfoComm Kunshan to present the 5G C-V2X T-BOX product in multiple scenarios such as V2V, V2I, V2P, and more to successfully allow vehicles to communicate with cars or objects; the demonstration complied to international standards of research and development in smart IoV hardware and software and resulted in positive reception from many automakers.     Current solutions that apply AI technology to smart transportation in current vehicles suffer from GPS signal interference; this is a major challenge in smart transportation and as such, the key to safety in self-driving operations is high-precision 3D maps and mapping systems. Wistron Corporation was commissioned by the Ministry of the Interior to implement projects for the integrated research and development of "high precision maps" and self-driving cloud-based systems. The application of Wistron's years of implementation in software (communications technology, AIoT) and hardware (vehicle onboard equipment) capabilities and working with professional suppliers allowed the use of AI automatic recognition to provide accurate positioning, down to the centimeter, to assist with decision-making in AI route planning. Also, the "5G+e-AI Smart Intersection Solution" implemented through the integration of Wistron NeWeb's (enterprise of Wistron Group) C-V2X (honeycomb network IoV) equipment, 5G communications technology, and Wiwynn Corporation's edge servers have been introduced in the demonstration and operation of self-driving buses in Shuinan, Taichung. When supplemented by the "Smart Roadside Solutions" developed by Wistron Corporation, the interaction between roadside and vehicle sensors allows comprehensive detection of all abnormal objects in blind spots and driving routes; by combining analysis from smart monitoring equipment, road signs, and driving routes at intersections, platform administrators can view the real-time status of self-driving vehicles to improve operational safety and reduce driving risks.    In terms of international markets, Wistron Corporation has improved the services of foreign locations such as establishing an automotive business office in Japan to better serve customers, deepen collaboration with international automakers, and also join ITS Japan (Intelligent Transport Systems). By working with organizations in different fields such as industry, government, and academia, it's possible to conduct exchanges and discuss how new modes of transportation services and technical applications can be implemented. At a seminar in September 2021, Wistron's shared the company's practical experiences and technical results in the field of IoV with member organizations of ITS Japan; next, Wistron plans to attend ITS World Congress in the U.S. in September 2022 to present the automotive electronics team's latest hardware/software developments in infotainment and telematics.    Finally, it is hoped that the agglomeration effect of MIH Alliance will support Taiwan's top enterprises to break into the global automotive electronics ecosystem. We sincerely invite partners to join us, regardless of your expertise is in hardware/software development or if you are interested automotive market's future, as we embrace both domestic and international market opportunities in automotive electronics. We hope that the results gained by the gradual formation of the MIH Alliance will attract major international automakers to partner with us and open the door to better smart vehicles.       
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