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Enhance Power of HW/SW for Semiconductor Safety & Security | MIH x SGS Seminar Summary
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Enhance Power of HW/SW for Semiconductor Safety & Security | MIH x SGS Seminar Summary
Enhance Power of HW/SW for Semiconductor Safety & Security | MIH x SGS Seminar Summary
Published On 2022-05-27
Views 1980
At present, the automotive industry is developing for electrification, electronics and intelligence, for semiconductor area, the requirements for automotive applications are increasing, especially for software development, cybersecurity and transient failure reliability verification. SGS Taiwan Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as SGS) assists in improving the competitiveness of products in functional safety, cybersecurity and reliability to fulfill customer needs. On May 20th, 2022, SGS, MIH, and arm jointly held the "Enhance Power of HW/SW for Semiconductor Safety & Security" webinar to help participants to understand the latest trends in hardware and software development of IC design.   This seminar focuses on: · Jeffery Yang, Semiconductor Product Manager of SGS, shared the traditional hardware IC/IP reconstruction ISO 26262 Part 8-13 and Soft Error Rate test. · Odin Shen, Field Application Engineer of arm, introduced the development and design of automotive chips based on functional and network security computing architecture. · Wei-Ren Chen, Semiconductor Project Manager of SGS, explained the utilization skills of ISO 26262 Part 6 and how semiconductors consider Cyber-security according to ISO/SAE 21434 and ASPICE CS extension. · Finally, Jeff Chang, Technical Manager of SGS, shared how to consider TARA (Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment) analysis of semiconductor products according to ISO/SAE 21434 standard.   By understanding the verification and experimental methods of semiconductors on non-negligible transient failures caused by radiation and how to implement ISO 26262 Part 6 and cybersecurity requirements in actual software projects, SGS can provides integrated training and consulting service for ISO 26262, ISO/SAE 21434, ASPICE and soft error rate estimation for semiconductor products.
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