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MIH Consortium Showcases Innovative Urban Mobility Solutions at Japan Mobility Show
Home / News MIH Consortium Showcases Innovative Urban Mobility Solutions at Japan Mobility Show
MIH Consortium Showcases Innovative Urban Mobility Solutions at Japan Mobility Show
MIH Consortium Showcases Innovative Urban Mobility Solutions at Japan Mobility Show
MIH Consortium
Published On 2023-10-25
Views 3859
  • Project X Concept Car Premieres

  • Project Y Assists Logistics in Going Green


TOKYO, Oct. 25th - On the opening day of the Japan Mobility Show, the Foxconn-initiated MIH Consortium unveiled its cutting-edge urban mobility innovations. Central to the presentation was the much-anticipated Project X concept car, alongside Project Y's comprehensive strategy for smart logistics. Together, these projects offer solutions for the shifting landscape of urban transport, catering to both commuters (People Mover) and logistical operations (Goods Mover). This encompasses options for car-sharing, ride-hailing, food delivery, and goods transport.

 MIH聯盟執行長鄭顯聰於Japan Mobility Show正式發布Project X三人座概念車.jpeg

MIH Consortium CEO, Jack Cheng, unveiled the Project X three-seater concept car at the Japan Mobility Show.

Project X: Revolutionizing Urban Mobility


The MIH Consortium proudly introduced the Project X three-seater concept car, the alliance's first representative work in the mobility landscape. As younger generations prioritize vehicle access over ownership, Project X not only infuses urban life with freedom and innovation but also offers new opportunities for mobility service providers to elevate user experiences.

     MIH Project X概念車專為共享體驗而生,鎖定People Mover和Goods Mover市場.jpeg

The MIH Project X concept car is designed for a shared experience, targeting the needs of the People Mover and Goods Mover markets.


The Project X concept car is distinguished by these innovative features:


  • 2+1 Adaptive Seating: A versatile seating arrangement that flexibly adjusts to serve either 2 or 3 passengers with ease.


  • Swappable Battery System: Features a distinctive fixed battery system combined with a battery swapping design to address users’ range anxiety. Gogoro is one of the current battery-swapping partners that enables users to swap batteries through Gogoro’s battery swapping ecosystem.


  • Supports Autonomous Driving: Offering customization from Level 2 to Level 4, it caters to providers delivering innovative services like RoboTaxi and automated delivery, as well as those utilizing autonomous fleets.


  • Efficient Sliding Doors: Designed for swift and convenient passenger entry and exit, and optimized for rapid goods loading and unloading.


  • Compact Design: Designed to accommodate two vehicles in a single parking slot, enhancing parking space utilization for fleet operators.


  • Durable and Resilient Interiors: The cabin is fitted with easy-to-clean materials that resist wear and dirt, minimizing upkeep and cleaning efforts.

MIH Project X概念車輕巧卻有大空間-1.jpeg

The MIH Project X concept car is compact yet spacious.

MIH Project X概念車具有先進的固定式充電+可換電設計,Gogoro為換電合作夥伴.jpeg

The MIH Project X concept car integrates an advanced fixed battery system with a swappable battery design. Gogoro stands as a key partner in the battery-swapping initiative.

Strengthening Collaboration with Foxconn Industrial Internet (FII)


The MIH Consortium is committed to advancing the design and technology of Project X. A significant collaboration with Foxconn Industrial Internet (FII) has been established in the fields of In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) and Electrical/Electronic Architecture (EEA).


Building on its strong expertise in advanced Information and Communication Technology (ICT), FII has swiftly established itself as a Tier 1 supplier in the EV component market. Broadening its horizons, FII has delved into three pivotal automotive sectors: Smart Driving, Smart Cabin, and Smart Connectivity, delivering comprehensive product solutions. As the automotive landscape shifts towards centralized vehicle designs, streamlined components, and lighter vehicles, FII provides consulting services, crafting smart solutions that empower car manufacturers to innovate and enhance their competitive stance in the industry.


Project Y: Championing Green Logistics


Beyond passenger mobility, the MIH Consortium is also addressing the needs of goods transportation with Project Y. This comprehensive solution encompasses the development of electric trucks and vans, state-of-the-art fleet and energy management software, energy infrastructure consulting, and a carbon tracking platform. Project Y is not just about enhancing transportation efficiency; it's a testament to the alliance's commitment to helping logistics providers achieve their carbon reduction targets and champion green transportation.


The MIH Consortium remains steadfast in its mission to craft sustainable mobility solutions for cities. "Our vision transcends the journey from point A to B. We're dedicated to delivering a seamless, convenient, and sustainable urban experience," said Jack Cheng, CEO of MIH Consortium. "Our initiatives, especially in assisting B2B customers transition from gasoline to electric vehicles, are a testament to our commitment to operational efficiency and value creation."

MIH Consortium unveils Project Y - A comprehensive smart logistics solution encompassing electric truck development, fleet and energy management software, and a carbon tracking platform..jpg

MIH Consortium unveils Project Y: A comprehensive smart logistics solution encompassing electric truck development, fleet and energy management software, and a carbon tracking platform.

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