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Working Group Status for Apr. 2022
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Working Group Status for Apr. 2022
Working Group Status for Apr. 2022
MIH Consortium
Published On 2022-04-26
Views 2401

The latest in this month's status report is the kickoff plan for the new Thermal Management, Smart Cabin, and Certification working groups, as well as updates and progress, reports from the other three MIH working groups - Powertrain, AD/ADAS, Security & OTA.

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  AD/ADAS  The latest AD/ADAS working group meeting was held on Apr. 7th. Regarding the content of the Drive-by-Wire API, the team members gave feedback and made the final draft review. In the 9th meeting, Tier IV proofread the draft and had open discussions with members. After the proofreading, Aitronx gave a detailed company introduction regarding their ADAS technology. The next meeting will be on May 12th. AD WG will finalize the DbW API draft.  AD WG will showcase the DbW API reference design based on Open EV Platform 0.5 vehicle at 2035 e-Mobility in October.    Powertrain  The two-speed gearbox is undergoing simulation validation. The preliminary validation has a significant effect on energy consumption, but the hardware conditions must be adjusted for the correction validation.  SiC group has already sorted out the specifications to be developed and is currently conducting onboarding operations with key members.    Security & OTA  At this month's working group meeting, Trend Micro and CyCraft shared the simulation scenario on a security attack on Tbox that was presented together with MIH at the MIH Partner Gathering event. The working group is currently working in progress on a decentralized identity mechanism, which is applied to vehicle user registration, login process, vehicle pairing, lighting control and vehicle notice scenarios, to demonstrate vehicle authorization attack inspection and information security protection, and real-time information security incidents detection.    Thermal Management  Thermal management working group holds bi-weekly meetings.   It aims to consolidate the features and functionalities of the current EV market, to come up with an easy-to-adopt, flexible thermal management system.  
  • Start date: Mar 29. 2022  
  • Chair: DENSO  
  • MIH Contact: Danielle Wan  
  • Meeting Frequency bi-weekly (physically and online) 
The scope of Thermal Management Working Group:  
  • Based on current EV OEM requirements to re-design an efficient thermal management system  
  • A combination of PTC, forced air cooling, liquid cooling to interact with battery system and powertrain, an overall developed battery thermal management system.  
  • Sub-group to explore extended control algorithm, for example the monitoring of the PM2.5 to assess air quality control, and more extensive functionalities. 
  • 2022 Apr-May to collect OEM requirements with a consolidated thermal benchmark list   
  • 2022 Jun-Sep to elaborate TM project concept, regional certification and requirements  
  • 2022 Oct showcase   
  • 2022 Q4 POC and project kick-off 
  Smart Cabin Smart Cabin & In-Vehicle Apps working group has been successfully established on Apr.27. The chair of the Smart Cabin working group is Clientron. The working group will hold the first group meeting in May.  The WG scope is based on OSI (ISO-IEC 7498-1) Architecture to define the communication-protocol in the smart cabin. A. The communication between ECUs. B. The specification between ECUs.   The planned deliverables are  Documentation of the specifications covering:  
  1. Specifications of Physical Layer, including CAN, Auto-Ethernet… (The serial devices) 
  2. Specification of Data-Link Layer. The address and frame control. 
  3. Specification of Network Layer. The path determination and logical address. 
  4. Specification of Transport Layer. The end2end connection and reliability. 
  5. Specification of Session Layer. Interhost communication. 
  6. Specification of Presentation Layer. Data representation and encryption. 
  7. Specification of Application Layer. Network process to application. 
  8. Reference Designed for EV Kit
Certification  The certification working group has been successfully established on Apr.27. The chair of Testing/Certification working group is SGS.   The working group will hold the first group meeting in May.  The mission of this WG: 
  1. Define basic requirements of the quality management system and qualification items in the 
automotive industry to assist MIH members to build up. 
  1. Help to enhance the design, develop and verify capabilities to assist MIH members to satisfy customers' requirements.
  2. Define a checklist and assist MIH members to audit supplier quality management.
  3. Standardize functional safety levels and requirements, testing and certification standards 
for MIH electric vehicle platform-related technologies.  The scope of this WG is  Define and standardize the description of Mission contents between MIH and WG members as   follows: 
  1. The end product (EV platform/E-Bus/EEA/…)
  2. System, or sub-system (Connected/Autonomous/Shared/Electric/Powertrain/Thermal/…)
  3. ECU (BCM/Domain Control/ADAS/…)
  4. Parts (Component/Accessory/…)
  5. Software (Application/Algorithm/AI/Middleware/…)
  6. Mandatory (Regulation/Safety/OEM specification/Technical license/…)
  7. Non-mandatory (Quality system/Functional safety/Functional test/...)
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