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CO2 Compliance and Sustainability for Global Automotive Market | Presentation Slide
Home / Market Insights CO2 Compliance and Sustainability for Global Automotive Market | Presentation Slide
CO2 Compliance and Sustainability for Global Automotive Market | Presentation Slide
CO2 Compliance and Sustainability for Global Automotive Market | Presentation Slide
MIH Consortium
Published On 2022-05-26
Views 2131
🔰Download Presentation Slide In the era of sustainability, the automotive industry is committing to a carbon-neutral value chain by the middle of this century. MIH and IHS Markit hosted the "CO2 Compliance and Sustainability for Global Automotive Marke" webinar on May 13th. The theme of MIH CEO Jack Cheng's presentation is "Transform Mobility Industry and Maintain Sustainable Future in EV Generation". He talked about the transformation and sustainability in the global automotive and mobility industry.

Please click the link and scan the QR code to watch the on-demand video. 

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